Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Fed up woman and wall street

This morning David Brooks and Bob Herbert of the NY Times both wrote about the massive imbalance created by Wall Street excess and the resultant fallout affecting the rest of us. My sense of social injustice was deeply activated once more, and I asked myself, "If we all sit around and simply decry the situation, we have only ourselves to blame, and things will go unchanged, given Congress and the power of money". And I felt challenged to do something, and what came to mind is that a small revolution is in order, beginning very small, but strong; perhaps carried by women, but certainly not limited to them.
Revolutions are nothing new, and are born of circumstances such as we are living under now. Indeed, equity and justice are crying out for attention. As a keen observer of humanity, I would like to start a small rebellion-no title necessary-using the internet and other networks we all use to begin to raise awareness of many people; to talk of the imbalances, of some peaceful correctives, and with quiet persistence begin our own shift. It can and will work.
How? Some ideas other than the internet, are to withdraw our accounts from the banks and use credit unions; to use our debit cards and put away the credit plastic; to notify corps that we will not buy their goods, absent their stated social responsibility policies; and to learn what the rest of the world is doing to restore some fairness. The concept of critical mass is, um, critical here, as is a commitment that will not waver.
We have the power and the heart. Please join me and millions of others to create a life where all are equal and nourished.